Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day “妈妈,母亲节快乐!” “慈母手中线,游子身上衣。”母亲和孩子间总是有一根无形的线牵着,母爱如无助时的一双手,当你手足无措时,只需牵上它困难都会迎刃而解;母爱如冬天的阳光,当你寒冷绝望时,只要沐浴在这爱的温暖中,一切寒意片刻烟消云散。我校在5月13日母亲节来临之际,开展了”我爱妈妈”母亲节感恩活动。让宝贝们更了解妈妈为自己成长所付出的艰辛,理解妈妈对自己的期望,懂得如何去感恩,如何去关爱他人。 Our school launched the activity “I love mothers” on the occasion of Mother’s Day  May 13th. This activity focused on helping students recognize the sacrifices their mothers have made in order to help them grow. This is an opportunity to show gratitude to our mothers and say “thank you.” 活动一开场就是5组妈妈和宝贝齐唱“妈咪宝贝”这首歌,“大手拉小手带我走,我是妈妈的宝贝。我一天天长大你一天天老……从今往后让我牵你带你走,换你当我的宝贝”,动听的歌声、感人的歌词瞬间就击中妈妈们的心,时光易逝,亲情永恒,陪伴总是相互的。唯有现在妈妈们耐心地陪伴孩子成长,才能换来老年时孩子的倾心相伴。愿彼此都珍惜一起相伴的时光。 At…


Pioneer Sports Day!

Pioneer Sports Day 亲子乐翻天 感受亲情 & 友情! 一年一度的先锋班亲子运动日,在春光明媚的四月里吹响了号角,在孩子和家长的翘首期待中拉开了帷幕。 Our parents, students, and teachers warmly welcomed the start of the annual Pioneer Sports Day event on a beautiful spring day this April. Just as the springtime buds all around us these days, our Sports Days have blossomed in various parts of Shanghai. 美帆游艇俱乐部 SHANGHAI YACHTING CLUB…


Poetry Conference!

Poetry Conference 七年级诗词大会 “天青色等烟雨,而我在等你” “歌花赋月无穷趣,品酒尝词意境来。诗绪若花朵朵开,风情美韵心湖采。” 在这暮春时节,初中部全体七年级学生在四楼大剧院举行了“天青色等烟雨,而我在等你”诗词大会。 In this late spring, all the seven graders in junior high school held the “The sky is blue, but I’m still waiting for you.” Poetry Competition.   引古征今,几多的闲情逸致,勾勒出多少经典的诗篇。这些泛着墨香的美诗美句,那润心的种子,便不自觉地在心田里破了土,发了芽,悠悠然淡开一朵心花。在长达一个月的准备下,七年级古诗词大会拉开了帷幕。 From the earliest times to the present, how many classic poems have been written by the poets who were in a…


The road ahead will be long, I shall keep searching!

关注学生的课堂学习 提高教师的教学水平 促进学校的内涵发展 2017-2018学年第二学期,在风景如画的四月,小学部教学评比课拉开帷幕,以此次课堂评比为基点,不断夯实教学基本功,提升教学技能。在备课、听课、评课的同时,教师团队互相借鉴学习,共同进步成长! In the second semester of the 2017-2018 academic year, the Primary school welcomed the beginning of teaching assessment section in the picturesque April. Based on this assessment, our purpose was to continuously consolidate and improve the teachers’ teaching skills. In the process of preparing, observing, evaluating the classes, we learned from…


The visits to Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress

4月24日,初中部九年级全体同学走进市人大常委会会议厅,参加 “走进人大” 模拟常委会议主题活动,这已是我校第四年走访上海人大。在这里,同学们亲临地方最高权力机关,模拟人大代表,亲身参与地方性法规诞生的过程,感受着我国根本政治制度的运行。 On April 24th, Grade 9 students paid a visit to Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress. They not only brought their own motions to be voted but also learned more about China’s political system. This is the fourth time that SUIS students have been here. It’s where we’ve gotton the big picture of democracy…


World Scholar’s Cup

今年来自万源的八支代表队参加了世界学者杯上海赛区的比赛,此次比赛由上海平和双语及协和国际学校所举办。我们年轻的学者们在各项赛程中共收获69枚奖牌。两组九年级跻身辩论前二十强,三组九年级队伍在写作比赛中分列第四,十三及三十七名,十一年级队获得第五名的好成绩。恭喜所有的获奖队伍! This year eight teams represented SUIS Wanyuan campus by attending the World Scholar’s Cup in the Shanghai round. It was hosted by the honourable Pinghe Bilingual School and Concordia. Our young scholars won a total of 69 medals after participating in the Scholar‘s Challenge, Scholar’s Bowl, Team Debate and Collaborative Writing. Two G9 teams…


Spring Sports Day !

沐浴着和煦的阳光,沉浸在温暖的春风里,上个星期五,万源运动会如火如荼地开展起来了。 With the nice sunshine, soft breeze, and beautiful music, our Wanyuan Spring Sports Day was held in the playground on the 20th of April. 一年一度的万源运动会,是同学们尽情释放活力,展现蓬勃朝气的大好机会。只见美丽而宽广的操场上,在体育老师的带领下,各个班级的同学无比踊跃而又井然有序地进行着一项又一项激烈的比赛项目。 Such a wonderful Sports Day will be organized once a year. Our boys and girls took part in many interesting activities with the careful guidance of our P.E. teachers.…


Francesca: My Way to Be a Filmmaker

嘿!我是来自十二年级的楼汇慧。去年12月,我获得了期盼已久的大学录取通知 —— 纽约大学 Tisch 艺术学院影视节目专业。 纽约大学 Tisch 艺术学院是全美最佳三大电影学院。Tisch 艺术学院是纽约大学各大院校中录取竞争最为激烈的院校之一,录取率不到5%,每年只从中国招收寥寥数名学生。很感谢学校给予我各种平台,让我激发潜能,在几万名申请者中脱颖而出! Hey there, I’m Francesca Lou from Grade 12. This past December, I was very lucky to be offered a place at Tisch School of The Arts, and I will be studying under film & TV program. It is one of the best film schools in the…


Inquiry Field Trip 去各式各样的博物馆一探究竟!

上海科技馆 SHANGHAI SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY MUSEUM 三年级的同学们在这学期,学习了有关物质的状态变化以及物理变化和化学变化的区别。另外还接触了生态系统的主题,尤其对其中的热带雨林部分进行深入学习、探究。带着对知识的渴望,带着有趣的探究学习任务,4月19日, 我们三年级全体师生来到了位于浦东的上海科技馆。 This term Grade 3 started Topics class with lessons on the Scientific Method, the changing states of matter, and the differences between physical and chemical changes. Recently, students have learned about the various biomes around the world, with a deeper focus on the rainforest. With inquiry-based learning…


SSSA U13 Basketball “篮”不住你的风采!

三月十七日,早春时节,万物勃发,SSSA U13 男子篮球赛正是在这样一个美好的花季拉开了帷幕。协和万源 “狼之队” 七年级的篮球小将们,在姜教练的带领下,再次代表校队出战了! On March 17th, the SSSA U13 Boys Basketball game kicked off a beautiful spring. Players from SUIS Wanyuan Wolves, led by coach Mr. Jiang, once again represented our school to attend this competition. 参加这次篮球赛的除了我们协和万源的 “狼之队” 外,还聚集了来自协和古北校区、协和教科校区、包玉刚学校及宋庆龄学校的四支球队。比赛还没正式开始,紧张的气氛已经在空气中弥漫开了,各队队员都在热身,教练也在做最后的战术安排,因为谁都想在这次比赛中拔得头筹。 In addition to the Wolves from SUIS Wanyuan Campus, this basketball competition also gathered…
