The Class of 2023 received 23 offers from the University of Toronto

截止到目前为止, 我校高中2023届学子们斩获了多伦多大学圣乔治校区录取offer 23枚。录取分布在各个不同的学院及专业,涵盖生命科学、数学、心理、传媒、社会学等专业。 Congratulations to SUISWY 2023ers who have received offers from the University of Toronto!So far, students have been accepted by the University of Toronto St. George Campus, with 23 offers. The offers have been accepted from different colleges and majors, like Life Science, Mathematical and Physical Science, Psychology, Communication, Social Science,etc. 多伦多大学最新排名 2023…

SUSI Wanyuan Canoe Challenge

Cool autumn wind, rice fragrance. In this golden autumn full of harvest, coincuding with the 10th anniversary celebration of SUIS Wanyuan Campus, our school held an exciting and heated kayaking challenge with the theme of Sports Month! As a new water sport, kayaking has come to Wanyuan Campus for four years. Now let’s enjoy the wonderful…

Versatile Xiehe

Learning is far beyond classroom teaching and is intrinsic to our lives. The series of “Versatile XieHe” reports aim to help discover a diverse life in school education from different perspectives. “Whilst Mr. East and Ms. West move one step towards to each other, the gap between the two will be getting ever smaller, and…

Multicultural Feast of Europe

On the other side of Asia there lies a different world; a different civilization! The vibrant culture there has bred the nobility of England, the rigor of Germany, the romance of France, the boldness of Spain, and the brilliance anddreams of Italy. For Wanyuan’s 9th Intercontinental Carnival this year, we have come to a place…

SUIS WanYuan PD Day

On a Saturday morning with breeze, we held the SUIS Wan Yuan Professional Development Day with full expectation. As one of the events for November ‘Academic’topic serial activities for SUIS WY Ten-Year anniversary celebration, via this opportunity, we invited all staff to gather together, to know each other, to enhance understanding and deeper knowledge towards…

Welcome to SUIS WY——Visit from the University Of Chicago Admission Officer

秋日已至,暑意渐退,随着上海最美季节的到来,协和万源校区也迎来了本学年第一位大学招生官的来访,来自美国芝加哥大学的招生官。 The autumn quietly came, and summer was fading away. As Shanghai’s most beautiful season secretly arrived, SUIS WY USHS had its first college admissions officer visit – Ms Wang from The University of Chicago. 芝加哥大学作为全球排名前十的高等学府,招生官的来访在高中生之间也引起了小小的轰动,大家纷纷积极报名参加这次座谈会,把小小的会议室挤得满满当当。 As one of the top 10 universities in the world, the admissions officer’s visit caused a minor sensation among…

Offer Updates February Version

自今年2月1日以来我们12年级同学又斩获了85枚来自美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚和日本的大学录取通知。其中有来自英国伦敦大学学院(被誉为金三角名校和“G5超级精英”)的录取2枚,英国杜伦大学、华威大学录取各添一枚,曼切斯特大学和布里斯托大学也向我们的学生抛来了橄榄枝;加拿大方向,多伦多大学又添录取6枚(包括罗德曼商学院1枚),英属哥伦比亚大学1枚及麦克马斯特大学1枚;澳大利亚方向收获了西澳大学录取1枚;我们也迎来了首枚日本方向的大学录取:立命馆大学和澳洲国立大学合办的双学位录取;美国方向我们同学喜提伯克利音乐学院奖学金录取,在早申阶段(Early Decision II/Early Action)再次斩获了来自纽约大学、波士顿大学的录取, 还收获了被誉为“公立常青藤”美国大学协会成员伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校录取3枚,威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校录取1枚等等。截止到目前,我们此届12年级同学中有20%的同学在提前决定阶段(Eearly Decision I/ II)锁定了自己梦校录取。 Here come the highlights on our university offer updates February Version, which includes offers from UK: University College London (one of the G5 Super Elite), University of Durham, University of Warwick, University of Manchester, University of Bristol etc.; More offers from top universities in Canada like University…

Versatile XieHe

学习不仅仅是在课堂,也在生活的每一个角落。多彩协和系列报导的宗旨是通过不同的视角来帮助大家发掘万源个性化、多元化的教育特色。“东方和西方每朝对方迈近一步,它们之间的距离就更近一点,我相信它们终将相遇。”协和教育一直秉承着中西融合之路,“和而不同,协力创新”的理念,致力于培养具有世界胸怀的合格公民。在万源,不仅仅有学术成就,还有多彩多元的人文素养;文韬武略,尽展英姿。 Learning is far beyond classroom teaching and is intrinsic to our lives. The series of “Versatile XieHe” reports aim to help discover a diverse life in school education from different perspectives. “Whilst Mr. East and Ms. West move one step towards to each other, the gap between the two will be getting ever smaller,…