Mid-Autumn Festival on Wanyuan Campus

“海上生明月,天涯共此时”、“但愿人长久,千里共婵娟”、“今夜月明人尽望,不知秋思落谁家?”……一句句脍炙人口的古诗句道出了中秋佳节人们心底最真的牵挂!今天,在温暖美丽的协和校园,小、初、高三部庆祝中秋的大戏华丽来袭。 何为节日?何为传统?只有通过丰富多彩的体验,它才能变得立体。为此,全校师生身着传统服饰,共叙节日喜乐。 The Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated by us Chinese for centuries. The festival is held on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar with full moon at night, when mooncakes are traditionally eaten. This Mid-Autumn Festival is probably the most charming and picturesque day of this semester, for we, primary,…


Middle School Museum Education

博物馆有着丰富的历史、艺术、科学研究资源,它将科学、历史、艺术等方面的知识以直观、生动的方式加以展示,具有很强的连续性和感染力。相对于学校教育,博物馆的教育环境更具有立体感,更能引发学生的兴趣点,能对学生所学知识点的及时补充、拓展和延伸,博物馆学习也是协和所提倡的“大课堂”的一种重要学习方式。 The traditional role of museums is to collect objects and materials of cultural, religious and historical importance, preserve them, research into them and present them to the public for the purpose of education and enjoyment. Today, museums have served as agents of change and development. They mirror events in society and become instruments of…


The Tenth XieLiHui Prestigious Teacher Award Ceremony

9月7日, 在全国第34个教师节即将到来之际,我校在大礼堂隆重召开了第十届协励杰出师德奖颁奖盛典。协和教育中心党总支书记王丽强,协和教育中心学校管理部副部长郑立达,协和教育中心人力资源部副总监王常泰,协和教育中心市场部总监助理吕燕玲,校区校长全力、Selena Dumble,美高校长Adam Neufield,副校长黄莹,初中部主任刘炜和小学部主任陈洁莅临盛典现场。伴随着初中部学生管乐队倾情演绎的乐曲,第十届协励杰出师德奖颁奖盛典拉开序幕。 On September 7th, the 10th Xielihui Prestigious Teacher Award Ceremony was held in Thespis Hall on the occasion of the 34th National Teacher’s Day. Many representatives of Xiehe Educational Group attended. These include: Managers Wang Liqiang, Zheng Lida, Wang Changtai, Lu Yanling, SUIS-Wanyuan Co-Principal Paul Quan, Co-Principal Selena Dumble, US High…


Middle School Diversity Optional Courses

金秋九月,我们迎来了一个崭新的学期,经过前期紧锣密鼓的准备,初中部兴趣课和社团课同时开始了。 The start of each semester is a happy time for us on Wanyuan Campus. Our student body is growing and we enjoy welcoming new students and welcoming back those who are returning. We have a variety of optional courses and student clubs ranging from sports to arts for students to choose from. One of…


Minhang District Leaders visited SUIS Wanyuan on Teachers’ Day

2018年9月10日(星期一)上午,上海市闵行区区委书记朱芝松、闵行区副区长杨德妹一行在教师节这一天来到万源协和双语学校慰问我校师生,并为第十届协励杰出师德奖获奖教师颁发了奖杯。闵行区教育局朱雪平书记、恽敏霞局长,闵行区统战部副部长巫岭女士、古美路街道党工委书记张伟麟、古美路街道办事处陆慈军主任、副主任徐明怡女士等陪同考察。 On the morning of Monday, September 10th, 2018, Mr. Zhu Zhisong, Secretary of the District Committee of Minhang District, Shanghai, and Mrs. Yang Demei, Deputy district Head of Minhang District visited SUIS Wanyuan campus. They toured the school and offered trophies to the winning teachers of the 10th “PSG XIELIHUI” Outstanding Teachers Award. They…


We Are Coming Back,SUIS!

秋天是丰收的季节,也是莘莘学子结束假期生活回归校园的日子。带着对暑假生活的美好记忆,我们满怀热情回到了美丽的万源城协和双语学校的校园。 Fall is the season of harvest and the time when many students return to campus after their vacation. With a beautiful memory of summer vacation, we returned to the campus of the beautiful SUIS. 一大早,音乐组的中外老师们在门厅奏响乐曲,用欢快的舞步欢迎同学们的到来。他们脸上洋溢着的笑容让每个人对即将到来的新学期充满期待。 Early in the morning, the Chinese and foreign music teachers played music in the hall, and welcomed the students…


Hands joined, Safety achieved

多方协力,安全放心间 Hands joined, Safety achieved ——协和万源开学第一天 First school day of SUIS Wanyuan Campus 上海各中小学迎来了新学年的第一天,原来不甚繁忙的各个交通要道车马纷纷,校车、私家车各展神通,确保广大中小学生们顺利入学。为确保开学期间的道路交通安全、有序,协和万源校方也与警方和志愿者们共同开展了绿色护校行动,做好校园周边道路交通秩序的管理。 It is the first day of a whole new school year for Shanghai’s primary and secondary schools. All streets and roads became busier than usual in early morning. Buses, private cars, all were mobilized to ensure the smooth transportation of students.…


Middle school opening ceremony

被冰棒和汽水充实着的盛夏悄然而至,又倏然而逝。告别了轻松愉快的假期,新学期如约而至。今天我们齐聚一堂,书写新学期的崭新篇章。 The summer full of countless ice-lollies and soft drinks had crept in and  left us before we realized it. After saying goodbye to the enjoyable and comfortable holiday, we came to embrace the new term. The assembly today marks a new chapter for the bright future. 照例,升旗仪式是开学典礼最神圣、隆重的首发。面对着鲜艳的五星红旗,全体唱响国歌。典雅的大剧院歌声缭绕,肃穆庄严。 As usual,  flag raising is the most…


G1 Colorful Campus Experience Activity

一年级多彩校园体验活动 G1 Colorful Campus Experience Activity 伴随着一串串银铃般的笑声,一张张灿烂的笑脸出现在学校大厅的门口,他们就是万源城协和双语学校小学部2018级的新同学。 Along with a string of silver bell-like laughter, countless bright smiles appeared at the gate of the school hall. They are our new classmates of the 2018 Class in Shanghai United International School WanYuan Primary Campus. 一早,老师们神采奕奕地来到校门口,笑容满面地迎接可爱的小朋友,孩子们充满好奇和渴望走进校园,迫不及待地走向老师,举手投足间充满着喜悦,开启了为期三天的多彩校园体验活动。 Early in the morning, the teachers came to the school gate with…


Basketball League in Middle School

文 / 八(3)班汪婕、八(4)班张嘉美 Written by WANG JIE & ZHANG JIAMEI 初夏时分,阵雨总会在每一个可能的时刻冲洗整座城市,将其笼罩在沉重的湿气和久久不肯散去的薄雾下。协和万源朝气勃勃的校园给这初夏增添了几分别样韵味。 Early summer, the rain always rinses the entire city at every possible moment, shrouding the whole city in a heavy moisture and mist which doesn’t drift for a long time. However the Wanyuan campus in SUIS is pretty vigorous. 在这里,一场篮球联赛点燃了整个初中部的热情。少年驰骋于球场,为自己的班级奋斗不息;场外同学们欢呼呐喊,为这群满腔热血的少年。整个球场人声鼎沸,热闹非凡! Here, a basketball league…
