2019 Pink Shirt Day 选择友善 : )

2019 Pink Shirt Day 2007年,在加拿大的一所高中内,David Shepherd、Travis Price 两名学生发起了名为 “粉色T恤日Pink Shirt Day” 的活动,来支持一个因为穿了粉色T恤而受到排挤的男生。目前,已经有近百个国家参与到了 “粉色T恤日Pink Shirt Day” 的相关公益活动。粉色T恤日Pink Shirt Day强调一个宗旨 “一视同仁地对他人友善 Kindness is One Size Fits All”。 In 2007, in a Canadian high school, two students David Shepherd and Travis Price held the very first Pink Shirt Day event to support a boy who was bullied by…


AP Capstone Diploma at SUIS Wanyuan

我们非常自豪且很高兴得跟大家宣布,我们已经完成了对第一批攻读AP Capston文凭的学生选拔工作。来自10年级的最优秀的15名学生将首先开始他们的AP Seminar 课程,这是获得AP Capstone文凭的第一步。在选拔的过程中,学生们除了需要递交老师的推荐信,和他们手上觉得最满意的作业案例外,同时他们还需要面试。在面试的过程中,他们要有足够的理由来说服面试官他们迄今所取得的成绩以及他们对于未来的愿望和计划。由此可见,申请的过程是艰难的, 如果你想了解是什么促使这些学生来努力申请这门课程,那么请一定要接着往下看。 We are very proud and pleased to announce that we have completed the selection process for our first cohort of AP Capstone Diploma students. Fifteen of our most ambitious and high-achieving Grade 10 students have won a place in our AP Seminar course, the first step towards earning the…


Class of 2019 College Offers

步入协和双语万源校区建校的第7个年头,我们也迎来了万源美式高中第五届毕业生丰收的一季。 Founded in 2012, Shanghai United International School Wanyuan US High School ushered in the season of celebrating our class of 2019 graduation. 截至2019年3月31日,协和万源美式高中2019届74位毕业生共计收到了来自美国和加拿大名校的253份录取信,奖学金数量高达2,131,200美金。 As of March 31, 2019, 74 graduates from class of 2019 have received a total of 253 letters of admission from all over the world and the number of scholarships reached…


Versatile XieHe 10

时光飞逝,第二季的报导转眼间就到了第五期!期间我们一起见证了万源初中部学子们的各种精彩瞬间,让我们的生活增添了许多色彩。然而,生活不止眼前的瞬间,还有科技和未来!接下来让我们一起迎出第二季的最后一期达人,来看看他的不简单吧! Time is always gone unconsciously, and here comes our fifth one of the second Season,  by the chance that we have witnessed the excellent moments, and the different colours which Junior students enriched into our lives.Life is beyond the right moment in front of us, but the technology and the future. Now let’s welcome our…


Economic Club Showcase

美高FBE经济社在创办两年来,除了举办活动和外出实践外,还会每周作新闻的分享和分析。上个月,社员Paul Jiang在社内时事新闻分享环节,对于二次元与古典乐的跨界合作做出了详尽的介绍。 FBE economy club in SUIS wanyuan high school department has long been holding activities and participating social events. Besides, we shared current events and analyzed it during our weekly club time. Last month, club member Paul Jiang did a current event sharing about the cooperation between the anime culture and classical music. 在2.23号,洛天依和郎朗联手带来了一场横跨两个次元的华美演唱会,吸引了众多的音乐爱好者和二次元爱好者的关注。小编一开始知道这个消息的时候并不看好这样的演出。因为郎朗可能根本就不了解二次元,那他该怎么样带来令人满意的表演呢?这是一种全新的演出方式,也同时带来几个问题:…


USH students present in NHD competition!

National History Day® (NHD) is a non-profit education organization based in the US and offers year-long academic programs that engage over half a million middle- and high-school students around the world annually in conducting original research on historical topics of interest. The largest NHD program is the National History Day Contest that encourages more than half…


Review of High School Community Service

高中部常规志愿活动 社区服务是高中德育教育和实践活动的重要组成部分,志愿奉献精神对高中生的生涯发展起到积极作用。高中部一贯致力于培养学生的社区服务意识,为学生提供丰富多样的志愿机会。 Community service is a natural component of High School’s co-curricular and extracurricular program. High School has always been committed to cultivating students’ awareness of community service and provided students with variety of volunteer opportunities. 奉贤海滩”海好有你,守护蔚蓝”活动 “目”浴阳光、预防近视系列–“快乐的大眼睛”户外音乐节 协和乐动六院音乐会 High School cooperates with Shanghai Sixth People’s Hospital 高中部与第六人民医院达成合作! 2018年10月,高中部与上海市第六人民医院签订合作意向,上海市第六人民医院成为高中部校外志愿活动基地。同年,高中部志愿者队伍荣获六院最佳志愿者队伍。 In October 2018, High School signed…



As we look back on Semester 1, we feel a lot of pride in our students’ achievements: ACAMIS – Yellow Division (Asia) Girls Basketball Champions; SSSA – Shanghai Boys Volleyball Champions; iGEM (Best Education & Public Engagement Award);World Scholars Cup (gold and silver medals);Chinese Language and Culture competition – Hi, China!(silver medals);and the list goes on and on! …


SUIS WanYuan iGEM 2019 Team

亲爱的家长 如果您的孩子乐于接受挑战,积极解决各种产业层面的问题并愿意把握机会设计一些在这个星球上还未曾见过的东西的话,加入2019年iGEM小组是他们的最佳选择。 在iGEM这样一个高学术水平,富有创造力,高回馈的项目中挑战自己的极限将帮助您的孩子提升各种必要技能,成为您的孩子未来成功道路的铺路石。 What is iGEM? It is an international synthetic biology foundation which aims to promote the science of synthetic biology. Teams work all year to develop genetically engineered systems which typically aim to solve a real world global problem. Teams that manage to achieve this travel to Boston Massachusetts each year to attend…


A survey about “Chinese cultural expression of foreign brands”.

 本学期,语文陈老师带领我们语文课的小伙伴们去南方友谊商城做了个关于“洋品牌的中国文化表达”的调查活动。 This semester, Chinese teacher Mrs. Chen led our friends in Chinese class to the Friendship South Shopping mall to do a survey about “Chinese cultural expression of foreign brands”. △南方友谊商城门口 Entrance of Friendship South Shopping mall 我们受课本中学到的一篇文章《麦当劳中的中国文化表达》的启发,想自己完成一次品牌调查。 We want to finish a brand survey by ourselves; we are inspired by the article “Chinese culture…
