Professional Development of MS English Department

协和教育一直秉承着中西融合之路,“和而不同,协力创新”的理念,致力于培养具有世界胸怀的合格公民。在万源,我们既为孩子们的多元发展而喝彩,我们更乐见老师们在这里的收获与成长。因为我们一直坚信,教师的发展是学校不断前进的关键动力。 XieHe Education has always embraced the philosophy of “East meets West”, as we “remain as one with differences, and innovate through collaboration”, preparing our students to become responsible global citizens. In SUIS Wanyuan, we are not only proud of our students’ diversified growth, but also pleased to promote and witness the professional development of…


Autumn Middle School Sports Carnival

Sports Carnival 当早晨的露珠刚凝结的时候,阳光撒入大地,洒遍万源的每一角落,阳光明媚,秋风习习。万里晴空拥抱着万源大地,期待已久的运动会终于到来,万源学子们迎着阳光,踏入了操场,脸上的笑容都闪着金光。11月18日,万源初中大家庭齐聚一堂,秋季运动会嘉年华在刘主任简单而又振奋人心的发言中拉开序幕。 When the morning dew had just set, the sun shone everywhere and in every corner of Wanyuan campus. The sun was shining and the autumn breeze was blowing. The sky embraced the land of Wanyuan, and the long-awaited sports meeting finally came. The students of Wanyuan stepped into the playground, facing the…


Social Practice Activities of WanYuan Class

课堂是孩子们最常见的学习场所了,今天的课堂却有点特别,教室被搬到了影院,孩子们激动地在座椅上晃动,迫不及待地等待着这一节课的开始…… Classroom is the most common learning place for children, but today’s class is a little special. The classroom was moved to the cinema, and the children were rocking on their seats excitedly, waiting for the beginning of this class. 11月5号——6号,小学部三、四、五年级的孩子们走进影院,参与了一场特别的社会实践——观看电影《我和我的家乡》,伴随着熟悉的配乐响起,影院里鸦雀无声,孩子们都很期待这一次特殊的社会实践课程。影片包含五个故事,孩子们随着剧情或哄堂大笑,或潸然泪下,或若有所思,或眉头紧锁。 From November 5th to November 6th, the children of grade3, 4 and 5 went…


Opening Ceremony of the 7th Intercontinental Carnival

▲滑动查看▲ 欢声笑语,华服盛装,清晨的风微微吹起了那辉煌文明的神秘面纱,孩子们迈着兴奋和好奇的步伐踏入了学校的大门。 Amidst laughter, the morning wind gently unveiled the mysteries of a brilliant civilization, as an array of costume-adorned children excitedly stepped into the school gate bemused with curiosity. 如画的风景,神秘的图腾,古老的歌谣,辉煌的文化。我们仿佛走过了哆啦A梦的任意门一般,瞬间穿越来到奇妙的美洲。2020年11月6日,上海市民办万源城协和双语学校小学部第七届洲际嘉年华盛大开幕!今年的主题是“登美洲脊梁,品玛雅文化”。 Picturesque scenery, mystical totems, ancient ballads, and splendid culture- It seemed as if we had crossed through some kinds of secret portal and instantaneously…


Versatile XieHe

2014年,大学刚毕业的袁老师怀揣着对教育的憧憬、对孩子的喜爱,加入了协和这个大家庭。眨眼,六年过去了。作为一名90后,从“袁妹妹”到“袁姐姐”,如今成为了荣获第十二届师德奖的“袁妈妈”,袁老师在协和经历了教育生涯中最重要的蜕变。 Ms. Yuan graduated from university in 2014 with the longing to education and the affection to children, then she joined the big family of SUIS. Time goes fast, six years passed. As a post-90s, from “Sister Yuan” to “Elder Sister Yuan”, she has now become the “Mother Yuan” who has won the 12th Xieli…
