Professional Development of MS English Department
协和教育一直秉承着中西融合之路,“和而不同,协力创新”的理念,致力于培养具有世界胸怀的合格公民。在万源,我们既为孩子们的多元发展而喝彩,我们更乐见老师们在这里的收获与成长。因为我们一直坚信,教师的发展是学校不断前进的关键动力。 XieHe Education has always embraced the philosophy of “East meets West”, as we “remain as one with differences, and innovate through collaboration”, preparing our students to become responsible global citizens. In SUIS Wanyuan, we are not only proud of our students’ diversified growth, but also pleased to promote and witness the professional development of…