Welcome to SUIS WY——Visit from the University Of Chicago Admission Officer

秋日已至,暑意渐退,随着上海最美季节的到来,协和万源校区也迎来了本学年第一位大学招生官的来访,来自美国芝加哥大学的招生官。 The autumn quietly came, and summer was fading away. As Shanghai’s most beautiful season secretly arrived, SUIS WY USHS had its first college admissions officer visit – Ms Wang from The University of Chicago. 芝加哥大学作为全球排名前十的高等学府,招生官的来访在高中生之间也引起了小小的轰动,大家纷纷积极报名参加这次座谈会,把小小的会议室挤得满满当当。 As one of the top 10 universities in the world, the admissions officer’s visit caused a minor sensation among…