The Class of 2023 received 23 offers from the University of Toronto
截止到目前为止, 我校高中2023届学子们斩获了多伦多大学圣乔治校区录取offer 23枚。录取分布在各个不同的学院及专业,涵盖生命科学、数学、心理、传媒、社会学等专业。Congratulations to SUISWY 2023ers who have received offers from the University of Toronto!So far, students have been accepted by the University of Toronto St. George Campus, with 23 offers. The offers have been accepted from different colleges and majors, like Life Science, Mathematical and Physical Science, Psychology, Communication, Social Science,etc.
2023 泰晤士高等教育 THE世界大学排名第18位,加拿大第一
2022 软科世界大学学术排名 第 22位,加拿大第一
2023 QS世界大学排名 第34位,加拿大第二
2023 U.S.News世界大学排名 第18位,加拿大第
为了更好地帮助收到offer的同学和家长获取一手的多大信息,我们有幸邀请了多大在读,2020届万源毕业的校友Quinee Yang做了远程连线,就大家关心的问题给大家做热情分享。分享会由问答环节开场,同学们踊跃提出了自己关于“学业压力”“课堂规模”“住宿情况”“实习机会”“研究生方向”等的疑问。Queenie Yang也对这一系列问题提供了自己的建议和见解,她表示只要打好基础,课业生活就会轻松许多。并且最好能做到放平心态,找到自己的节奏和适合自己的学习方式。在问答环节结束过后,Queenie Yang开始了精心准备的分享。她的分享分别从学业压力、GPA、资源和毕业方向四个方向展开,给予了同学们建设性的建议。本次分享会让同学们对多伦多大学的各方面有了更深层的了解。In order to better help the students who received the offer and their parents get first-hand information, we have the honor to invite Queenie Yang, a 2020 Wanyuan alumnus, to do an online sharing session about issues students are concerned about. It began with a Q&A session. Students actively raised their questions about “academic pressure”, “class size”, “accommodation”, “internship opportunities”, “postgraduate orientation” and so on. Queenie Yang offered her own advice and opinions on this series of issues. She said that as long as you lay a good foundation, school life will be much easier. Moreover, it is important to do a flat state of mind, find their own pace, and be suitable for their own way of learning. After the Q&A session, Queenie Yang launched into an elaborate sharing. Her sharing was divided into four aspects—academic pressure, GPA, resources, and graduation direction, and gave constructive suggestions to students. This sharing session will give students a deeper understanding of all aspects of the University of Toronto.
多伦多大学 University of Toronto多伦多大学( University of Toronto),建立于1827年,位于加拿大安大略省多伦多市,是加拿大最古老,最大的大学之一。经过100多年的发展, 到现在已有9万多名学生, 16个院系, 40个图书馆, 700多个本科专业及200多个研究生专业课程。多伦多大学有 40 个图书馆,拥有超过 1120 万册实物馆藏和790 万册电子馆藏,多伦多大学图书馆系统是北美第三大图书馆系统。其师资力量雄厚, 研究一直是多伦多大学发展的重点, 学校拥有超过14亿的研究资金, 教育理念秉承思想自由,兼容并包,鼓励创新求变。由于其规模、声望以及影响力, 多伦多大学吸引了世界各地及加拿大国内的顶尖学生。目前多伦多大学已连续多年排在加拿大大学的榜首,被公认是加拿大综合实力数一数二的优秀大学,每年教授获得全国性的奖项位居加拿大高校第一。大学的专业从航天技术到动物园学无所不包,而且样样堪称一流,其中以统计学,经济贸易,商科,生物,计算机科学,建筑学, 工程学,心理学,法学,教育学,医学等尤为突出。The University of Toronto, founded in 1827, is located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and is one of the oldest and largest universities in Canada. After more than 100 years of development, there are now more than 90,000 students, 16 academic Units, and over 700 undergraduate programs and 300 graduate programs in a wide variety of fields. The University of Torento has 40 libraries, the library system has more than 11.2 million physical holdings and more than 7.9 million electronic holdings. It is the third largest in North America. The faculty is strong, and research has always been the focus of the development. The U of T has a research fund over 1.4 billion. Due to its size, prestige and influence, U of T attracts top students from all over the world and from within Canada. At present, U of T has been ranked first in the list of Canadian universities for many years, and is recognized as one of the best universities in Canada with comprehensive strength. Every year, professors win national awards, and ranks first in Canadian universities. The academic programs range from aerospace technology to zoology, and everything is top-notch, including statistics, economics, business, biology, computer science, architecture, engineering, psychology, law, education, Medicine is particularly prominent. International rankings provide one independent measure of how U of T compares to other universities.多伦多大学共有三个校区, 其中最大的是位于多伦多市中心的圣乔治校区(St. George Campus),也是多伦多大学的主校区, 另外两个校区是士嘉堡校区(Scarborough Campus)和密西沙加校区(Mississauga Campus)。作为多伦多大学主校区的圣乔治校区(St. George Campus)由7个学院组成,Innis College ,New College, St.Michael’s Collegem, Trinity College, Victoria College, Woodsworth College, University College. 这7个学院中, 每个学院都有自己不同的历史、特色和资源。The University of Toronto is one of the world’s academic centers and a leader in Canadian higher education. The University of Toronto has three campuses: St. George, Mississauga (in the west) and Scarborough (in the east).The St. George campus, the main campus of the University of Toronto, consists of seven colleges. Each of the seven colleges has its own distinct history, character and resources.