Pioneer Sports Day 亲子乐翻天 感受亲情 & 友情!
Our parents, students, and teachers warmly welcomed the start of the annual Pioneer Sports Day event on a beautiful spring day this April. Just as the springtime buds all around us these days, our Sports Days have blossomed in various parts of Shanghai.
Catch a glimpse of the second graders and their parents who traveled all the way to the Shanghai Yachting Club! With its lush green lawns and scenery, parents and their children partnered for a variety of fun and challenging outdoor sporting activities. Everyone tried out their swings on the driving range over the lake! The handiwork of a sailor’s knot allowed the children to experience the wisdom of the ancient mariners as well as practice their dexterity. Another calming experience was sailing along the lake, feeling the cool breeze.
Take a look at the fourth grade trip to Fengxian Forest Park! Surrounded by natural beauty, the students participated in forest orienteering, parent-student team competitions, and a group dragon dance performance. There was laughter all around! The activities, such as the dragon dance, were not only engaging, but helped to foster a profound feeling of unity and cooperation in all.
在学校参加运动会的孩子和家长们更是奋力拼搏,勇于挑战自我,向奖牌发起冲击!丰富多彩的运动项目让孩子和家长们应接不暇,不仅有迎面接力和拔河的竞技型的项目,还有独具特色的团队游戏项目:彩虹伞、“袋鼠” 跳、四人五足…… 而最后的水枪大战更是嗨翻了整个校园!
All the children and parents who participated in our Sports Day events came together and pushed each other in hopes of winning a prized medal. There were also many other unique sports for parents and children including not only relay race and tug-o-war, but also the huge parachute, the sack race, and the 5-legged race (4 participants per team). Finally, the campus-wide water gun fight was a huge success and all parents and teachers warmly enjoyed the students’ enthusiasm.
活动中,家长与孩子,孩子与孩子相互配合,亲情和友情得到了充分的体现。他们是那么地积极兴奋,不断地加油喝彩,不断地助威鼓劲。整场活动在 “健康、快乐” 的氛围中顺利进行,孩子们和爸妈们在运动中获得健康,在游戏中找到快乐,在竞争中学会合作,在关爱中感受到了无价的亲情和友谊。
Family and friendship bonds were put to the test during all these exciting activities. The strong sense of cooperation led everyone to further deepen their relationships as enthusiastic cheers of encouragement were heard each day. The atmosphere of this successful event was one of good health and happiness. All the participants improved their health in sports and their happiness in teamwork, while learning how to cooperate in order to complete all the races. They felt the invaluable nature of friendship and family affection.
After fun, sweat, and hard work by all, Sports Day has come to a fruitful conclusion, much to everyone’s reluctance. During these activities, we not only sweat and gained medals, but also felt joy and growth!