三年级的同学们在这学期,学习了有关物质的状态变化以及物理变化和化学变化的区别。另外还接触了生态系统的主题,尤其对其中的热带雨林部分进行深入学习、探究。带着对知识的渴望,带着有趣的探究学习任务,4月19日, 我们三年级全体师生来到了位于浦东的上海科技馆。
This term Grade 3 started Topics class with lessons on the Scientific Method, the changing states of matter, and the differences between physical and chemical changes. Recently, students have learned about the various biomes around the world, with a deeper focus on the rainforest. With inquiry-based learning in mind, we visited Shanghai Science and Technology Museum on April 19th to further students’ knowledge and understanding.
上海科技馆生物万象展区中的雨林区里分层生长的热带雨林植物展示了物种的多样性,地壳探秘展区阐述了 “认识我们人类赖以生存的星球 —— 地球” 这一主题。本次我们主要参观这两个场馆,切合我们的主题,展开探究和学习之旅。
The Spectrum of Life exhibit provided students with a close-up view of biodiversity within the rainforest and the Earth Exploration exhibit taught students about the vast geological history of our planet. After visiting the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, the Grade 3 students have a clearer, more insightful view of the world around them.
对我们的四年级同学而言,在刚刚学完的章节中,进行了一些关于力学、能与功、能量能源的课堂活动以及科学实验。4月19日,我们也来到位于浦东的上海科技馆进行探究实践活动。 我们从 “智慧之光 ”开始,观察了功与能是如何运作的,事物是如何移动和操作的。接下来,我们继续探索 “机器人世界”,以了解机器人如何对我们世界中的力和动能产生影响。 最后,我们参观了 “宇航天地”,以比较外层空间和地球上的生活差异。 希望探究活动带来的互动体验持续丰富我们的知识储备。
Grade 4 just completed an exciting Unit on Physics. We have coved activities and experiments on Force/Motion and Work/Energy. On April 19th, we visited The Science and Technology Museum in Pudong. We started at the “Inventions Exhibit” to witness how work and energy effect, how items move and operate. Next, we went on to explore “World of Robots” to understand how robots react to force and motion in our world. Lastly, Grade 4 analyzed the “Space Exhibit” to compare the differences of Outer Space and life on Earth. This interactive experience will add to our on-going knowledge.
On Thursday we visited the Shanghai Railway Museum to introduce our new social studies unit on transportation. The students got to study some history of our city’s railway technology and development; for example, Shanghai’s first railway station, called Wu Song Railway, opened in 1876. The museum guide introduced some of the technological advancements from steam locomotives to electric locomotives to the high speed magnetically levitated trains of modern Shanghai. They even got to ride in a simulator showing the conductor’s view and control switches. They were all eager to answer the guide’s questions and some earned 3D puzzles as prizes!
They worked diligently to learn about the historical features and figures of our railways in order to complete a field trip activity booklet! The students enjoyed the trip and can share what they learned with parents and friends by discussing their booklets together. Now we will continue learning about more kinds of transportation over the next few weeks in class.
This morning Grade 5 students were fortunate enough to visit Shanghai Film Museum for Inquiry field trip, and naturally indulged in some film-related activities while they were there.
This is a comprehensive museum with many different types of exhibits available in a convenient location.
From when you entered the lobby—where props, including Jeeps hang from the ceiling—to the start of the museum on the 4th floor they were in for a visual treat. On the 4th floor when students stepped onto an electric red carpet sensors triggered camera flashes and clapping as they walked down the carpet. Students were welcomed like superstars on the red carpet, complete with flashlights and applause. It was pretty amazing!
This museum covers everything from the celebrities (directors and stars and others involved in the film industry), the famous Chinese films , the filming equipment (film canisters and cameras and sound equipment), and how the different elements are put together – sound, music, film, even dubbing of foreign films. There are film clips and interactive displays and different types of dioramas. And almost everything in the museum is labeled well in both English and Chinese.
It was indeed an unforgettable experience for both G5 teachers and students.
Toys are of GREAT interest for all children! This semester, the children explored various toys from around the world and actively played with traditional Chinese toys and western contemporary toys.
As part of this unit, this week we went on a field trip to the Shanghai Gallery of Antique Music Boxes in Pudong. The museum has over 200 exhibits on display. They are divided into two parts: antique music box and Western automated dolls. The museum’s curator eloquently explained the principle, structure and historical evolution of the music box. The children were also able to see first-hand the operation of several of the boxes on display.
When they got back to school, the children started making their own music boxes with great enthusiasm and now they look forward to their next quest!